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Sand Tray Therapy

Sand tray therapy may sound like simple play, but it’s actually a powerful therapeutic technique.

Are there certain objects that immediately give you a positive or negative feeling? Maybe frogs remind you of happy times at your grandma’s house on the lake. Or perhaps the smell of cigars makes you feel uncomfortable, but you’re not sure why.

This is the idea behind sand tray therapy. This unique approach — part play therapy, part art therapy — helps evoke both conscious and unconscious memories through tactile play.

Sand tray therapy, while most commonly used with children, is helpful in treating all ages. When we have painful unconscious memories — or perhaps conscious memories that are too painful to discuss —typical types of talk therapy aren’t as helpful.


This is where sand tray therapy can help.

Sand tray therapy allows the client to choose objects they resonate with or that make them feel safe. Using a variety of specific sand tray exercises, the client and I can then reflect on why certain objects were chosen. The scene created acts as a reflection of the person’s own life and allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, remove obstacles, and gain acceptance of self.


To learn more about this model, please refer to HERE

Ready to get started? Have some more questions?

Contact me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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