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Pre/Post Partum and Infant Attachment

Bringing new life into this world or a new life into your family can be the most beautiful, terrifying and sometimes traumatizing experience. I feel that it’s crucial to seek, recognize, and build upon parents’ strengths during an infant and toddler’s critical years for development. Every parent deserves a champion for their attuned parenting, and every child deserves the foundation of a nurturing relationship.

I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to receive extensive training in infant and early childhood mental health and attachment. I work with parents to understand newborn cues, behavior, and temperament, and to learn what is unique and special about their baby. I support you to know your baby’s preferences, strengths, and vulnerabilities, and how to decipher the uniquely individual ways they communicate delight, discomfort, and need for connection. Together, we deepen the bond between you, helping you

feel attuned and confident in your ability to respond to your baby’s needs.

This training also allows me to work with children and their families where there may have been additional stress, transition, or overwhelm during early years which may be impacting the present. I can support families to process experiences held in the body, make sense of behaviors and emotions, and build a sense of safety and self-esteem.

Ready to get started? Have some more questions?

Contact me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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