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Kink-Aware and Poly Friendly Therapy, Sex positive therapy

Sex Positive Therapy can be (almost!) whatever it is that you need it to be. In sex positive therapy, there is no touching or intimate contact of any kind—we are discussing questions and concerns related to your experiences of sexuality. You might want to learn more about a certain topic, process a past experience or explore possibilities that you’d like to have in the future. Some people seek out sex therapy on their own, and some bring their partner(s).

Personal Education:

  • Better understand your own body and desires

  • Masturbation techniques

  • Orgasm

  • Sexual abuse survivor support

BDSM/Kink-Related Concerns:

  • How to order safety

  • Consent/Best Practices

  • Communication

  • Gear

Changing Body-Related Concerns:

  • Pregnancy

  • Aging

  • Menopause

  • Weight loss or gain

  • Chronic pain

  • Disability

  • Non-medical or medical aspects of gender transition and confirmation

As a KINK-AWARE and POLY FRIENDLY clinician:


I won’t assume that the issue you’re seeking help with is caused by or is related to your kink or poly orientation.

I won’t make assumptions about your treatment goals – particularly that these goals include changing your sexual desires.

I won’t try to “cure” you of BDSM or poly desires.

I will be aware that any distress you have about your kink or poly identity may be a normal part of internalized cultural bias against your sexual orientation rather than evidence of a disorder.

I will be sensitive to whether and how your kink or poly identity affects your work, social, and family relationships.

I will not assume abuse when you are in a BDSM relationship. I will not assume you are cheating or are tolerating cheating if you bring up other partners.

I will not assume that BDSM interests mean that you are not also interested in vanilla sexual behaviors.

If you have experienced abuse within a BDSM relationship, I can help you to process and understand that. I know that this can sometimes happen and that it can be very difficult to talk about.

I can help you to navigate the terms of your poly relationship and negotiate agreements that best serve you and your partners, identifying and honoring your needs.

Ready to get started? Have some more questions?

Contact me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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